Time Management for students a simple method.

Time management for students has become very much popular. One who knows its importance defiantly he will be thinking of how to manage the time?

we know time is the one that cannot be reversed. it is one-sided and one needs to utilize it properly. many times we will be in the confusion that what are the time management objectives and why this is necessary.

Any work or the task is bonded with the time. The employees knows it very well.

We need to decide the time management objectives depending upon which profession are we?

Are you working ?

Are you student ?

The time management for students will be different and for employees different.

There are so many time management skills to tailoring the time just we need to work out on paper for two-three days.

Why a planned day is necessary?

Do You know a day can be measured as 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds or 8,64,00,000 milliseconds!

The choice is yours!!!!!!

A Mayfly an insect that has a life span of about a day, that will do all his life activities in a day only. That uses each second of its life just imagine.

Why can’t we???

How we are considering time?

Are we working by hours?

Are we working by considering minutes?

Or working by seconds?

Or Are we working by considering milliseconds?

How to manage the time?

There are so many time management techniques. here one simple and easiest way I am telling

You know Time management is a skill, not everyone will think of it. who knows the importance of management, one always will be active and successful in life.

now just think of the time we are using and the time we are simply wasting. many time by sitting idly only we will spend the most of the time.

Many times we only give expression like ‘ You know how speed time is running I am not at all getting’ . From common man to President of the country every one same number of hours.

It will depend on you. How effectively you are are utilizing the time.

Time management for students – A day time table

The student life is golden life every one has beautiful memories of the school. Study with the enjoyment now government has made compulsory extra curricular activities for the students.

One should be good at ground as well in the Class room. With all these slowly he will come up with the busy life then he could not able manage the time.

Here we will check up with a simple method of making a day time table.

Just think of a day from bed to bed what are all the activities you have involved. Take pen and a blank sheet these two will help you to tailor your time.

as shown below make two columns one is for hours and one is for activities.

In Hours column write down the each hour like 12:00 Am – 1:00 Am next 1:00 Am – 2:00 Am until 11:00 Pm – 12:00 Am total 24 rows for the 24 hours. Make a table of it.

Just start writing the activities in front of each hour for sure starting 5 rows will be sleeping only.

The activities you are doing daily like school, tuition, playing, eating time, bath, many more.

Do this activity randomly dont do the activities because you are preparing a day time table. be the natural one

Try to do this process two to three days so that all the activities will cover.

Tailoring the time

Just look at the sheet you have prepared. It will be mix of activities, every day it wont be same activities. Each day will be different if you are not arranging this properly.

If you keep your dresses randomly in wardrobe then it won’t seem proper, if you keep it neat and clean then the wardrobe seems wonderful.

Same thing if you keep your activities in neat and proper way that will be perfect day for you.

Now take different color pen preferable is red because it is danger one right!!

Just start marking the activities which you can avoid and make in a shorter way by rounding up. Some of the activities you cannot avoid, keep them as it is.

Now decide time for every work,

How much time it is needed? and

When I should do this?

If you are answerable for these two questions, you can easily make your time table

Just do rough work for two three times then start filling your final time table and you will be confident on your work

time importance
time management images

After the time table

Time management for students is in turn replica of a day time table. after all the above circus a day time table is in your hand. Just before finalizing it just show it to your favorite teacher or mentor so that he can also give some suggesions.

With all revisions of the time table make a final one and take two to three print outs.

Hang the Time table to one of the place where you will often visit in your home. On your room wall or near to your bed. so that it will remind you to the next activity.

The big question after all this process is

Can I follow this time table?

For all this don’t think too much, just tell your mind I can do it and start the day.

To set all the activities correctly and in time one should fix the time of sleep and time of getting up these two will set up your all the other activities. It is my experience too.

For the beginning it will become very difficult but as you abide to the time it will become your daily routine and will become habit.

Daily night on the bed before happy sleep just rewind the day, the things happened in the day good or bad take all those thoughts positively and just smile over it. and think of the tomorrow

What is pending today and

What need to do tomorrow?

Hoping for the good day go to happy and satisfactory sleep.

Some useful time management apps

  1. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.virblue.mystudylife&hl=en_IN
  2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gabrielittner.timetable&hl=en_IN
  3. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.timetable_plus_plus
  4. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rescuetime.android&hl=en

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